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Faith is believing without seeing. Think of the challenge this poses for the
Lord! He wants to provide His children the blessings of faith; but how does He gift
His people with a virtue that must be acquired through the promise of rewards
that can’t yet be seen?
I remember a scene in the Disney version of the Aladdin
story. Aladdin extends his hand to
Jasmine and says, “Do you trust me?”
They are perched on the edge of a roof and he is asking her to
jump. He knows, but she does not, that
the awnings to the shops below will break their fall. There isn’t time to explain. Jasmine, of
course, agrees. They jump, and all turns out well.
When my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s eight years
ago, I had no reason to believe all would turn out well. The option
of cutting my work schedule to half time in order to care for Mom was presented
to me and I was terrified. Money was tight
already. How would we survive if my salary was cut in half? But I heard the Lord saying, “Do you trust Me?”
After I’d accepted
a half time position and not before, we found that my mother could legally (and
ethically) pay me to care for her. With
an attorney who was an elder law expert, we set up what is called an “in-advance
contract.” Duties I would perform for
Mom were specifically outlined, and for these she agreed to pay me a small
monthly salary. While the amount Mom
pays me is substantially less than the halftime salary I gave up, we never
noticed the difference. And there were
so many blessings besides, not the least of which was my decreased stress
A few years later came the biggest leap of faith I’ve made
thus far. Budget cuts took my half time
job. I was reassigned to new, less
satisfying teaching duties. My husband needed my help on the farm, Mom was in
need of increasing levels of care, and I heard the Lord whisper, “Now is the
time. Early retirement!”
Do you trust Me?
The Lord’s nudge was unmistakable, and with fear and
trembling I turned in my resignation. I was terrified we wouldn’t be able to find
or afford health insurance coverage. After I resigned I learned I would be
able to continue coverage through the school’s policy because of my years of
service, but the premiums would be a staggeringly huge amount. I had no idea how we would pay them.
Do. You. Trust. ME?
Trembling, shaking, staggering forward I replied, “Yes,
Lord, I trust You…”
I didn’t know that my retirement check plus a health care
tax savings would
come to almost exactly the amount of our monthly insurance premium. At this point, despite our farm income having
been decreased by two drought years in a row, we have not been under financial
strain as a result of my early retirement.
Lately I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night to
worry. Mom’s condition is deteriorating
and I am afraid
of the grief of finally losing her. Her
absence will leave a multi-faceted void in my life; the final loss of my
mother, my patient, and my last remaining tie to childhood. How will I cope
with yet another role change? I was a teacher, now I am a caregiver; what comes
next for me? Even more frightening, how
will I survive the circumstances of my mother’s departure? Alzheimer’s is not known for taking its
victims peacefully.
Do you trust Me?
I do trust the Lord. He has taught me to trust Him through a
series of life experiences that have allowed me the opportunity to take
numerous leaps of faith.
I am so grateful that I was able to scrape together courage
to take His hand when He invited me to trust Him. The lesson to be absorbed is that He does not
often reveal the provision He will make until after the step requiring trust is
taken. This is how He grants us the
opportunity to take possession of the eternal virtue of faith. “…trust were not trust if thou could see the
ending of the way…” *
Yes, I trust Him. I
may be shaking a bit but I will step forward with confidence. He has never dropped me. Not once.
Illustration of Aladdin and Jasmine was found here.
*Quote from the poem by Freda Hanbury Allen found here: Click on "My Plans for Thee"