Tuesday, June 26, 2012

God Always Has a Plan

 Recently I was chatting with my daughter-in-law, Nicole, and she shared some difficult circumstances she has encountered in life. Not only did she feel ostracized as the result of multiple allergies that caused her to be unable to participate in most school celebrations, she was a farm girl who attended high school classes in a wealthy school district. Despite these things this energetic and hard working young woman became president of nearly every organization she joined, made cheerleader, and earned several scholarships as she headed off to college. She is now ready to begin her second year of vet school.

As she talked I was interceding on her behalf but also praising God for her, because she is a strong Christian.  I am so grateful for Nicole's presence not only in my son's life, but in my own; and as I prayed I felt a familiar nudge in my heart. It was as though the Lord was saying, See?  Nicole learned how to be different, and although her heart was hurt along the way I have healed those hurts. What remains is her understanding of how to be in the world but not of it.   

I said as much to Nicole. "The Lord used everything that has happened to you for your blessing," I said. "As Christians we must accept  we can never belong to the worldly club. Some people really get hung up on this and can't take that feeling of not belonging.  But this is a skill the Lord taught you early on."  

When you can't trace His hand, trust His heart...; these are lyrics from a wonderful song by Babbie Mason. I've learned that the Lord always has a plan, and that it is wise to  give Him the benefit of the doubt when things look bleak. My guesses as to what He might be doing are often inaccurate, I'm sure; but one thing is certain:  if I don't open my eyes to look expectantly for the good that the Lord can deliver, I won't see the blessings He is able to bring even out of the darkest of circumstances.

For example:  I am now able to sincerely praise God for the time I've cared for Mom in our home. It took awhile--I couldn't see blessings at first--but now I could fill a page listing the wonderful things that have happened, not the least of which is that Mom and I have had time to lay aside old resentments. I never would have guessed that eight years into her Alzheimer's diagnosis Mom would still be here telling me on an almost daily basis that I am a wonderful blessing in her life. Who would have anticipated that?  Well, the Lord did, obviously! 

That song I mentioned by Babbie Mason says it all. You can find it on Youtube here.

God always has a plan, and we can trust it is a good plan that will work out for our good and His glory. 

Scripture: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).   

"...for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance" (Philippians 1:19). 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on praising God for things in our life that we might not praise God at first.
    I've grown so much spiritually while dealing with David's Alzheimers....
    It's such a good feeling to know that HE is always with us and will never give us more than we can handle.
