Friday, May 24, 2013

Video Series

I've begun a Youtube video series in order to share information from my caregiving book.  These presentations are geared especially toward those who are struggling to make a transition from past relationship roles into news ways of relating to a loved one who has become infirm, but I think they will be helpful at any stage of a caregiving journey.  Since my mother's Alzheimer diagnosis nine years ago, I've learned that our relationship must be renegotiated each time she takes a downward turn. During those times the devotions and Scripture from my book become helpful once again.

The first two weeks' installments are available here: 

Week One--Hold to Hope

Week Two--First Steps (steps to take as a new caregiver)

 Today I read a Facebook post that resonated with me:  "Knowing that you are making a difference in the life of even one person makes everything you've gone through seem worthwhile,"   Please share the links above with caregivers who may be helped by the guidance God so has so graciously provided Mom and me as we navigate our way through her Alzheimer's disease. 

1 comment:

  1. Just great, Linda. I will put this on my blog on Monday probably.

    Hugs and prayers,
