Elsewhere in these entries I've described in detail the medications and the environmental factors that I believe have helped Mom to hold her own and even to improve. To review briefly, Mom takes the Alzheimer's drugs Aricept and Namenda along with an antidepressant. She receives a cholesterol lowering medication that I think may have helped her cognitively as well, and I give her several supplements including fish oil, a daily multivitamin, calcium, and lutein. She lives in a room with southern exposure, receives daily exercise, and is provided music and books. Most importantly, she has enjoyed a lifetime walk with the Lord and her faith has not wavered.
Tonight while I was in prayer, the thought came to me that the time my mother has lived with us has been more for me than it has been for her. The Lord has provided Mom the comfort that comes from resting in Him during this time, and when she dies she will rest in Him still. He has allowed her this time of peace while my heart is being strengthened to bear her loss, but I haven't always understood or accepted that this long goodbye is a gift. Today I am praying to be more appreciative of this gift of time with my mom.