Mom's beautiful bay window, just one of the many blessed features of the apartment that was built just for her. |
In his chapter on abortion, Piper's clear teaching on the sanctity of human life has led me to this conclusion: in order to be God's hands and heart as I provide care to my elderly mother, I must respect the value of her life to God.
There is a worldly view of human life that is gaining prevalence in our society; a view that would consider human beings to be just one life form that shares the planet with other, equally important creatures and plants. This is not the view of human life put forth in the Bible. Not only are human beings created in God's image, we are His beloved. It is the love of God for my mother that has time and again turned me from a worldly train of thought that, if followed to its logical end, would lead me to conclude that my mother's life is no longer of value.
In the eyes of the world, my mother is utilizing resources while paying back nothing, but in God's eyes she is precious. I believe He loves her scribbled praises and prayers, and that the sound of her warbling voice singing hymns gives Him joy.
When I was new at the job of caregiving, the inequality of my labor versus Mom's life of relative leisure sometimes caused me distress. The sacrificial service God was asking of me seemed beyond reason. Furthermore, I could clearly see that my mother, although in possession of many honorable traits, was not and never had been perfect; and thus did not particularly deserve such an extravagant display of love. The Lord was gracious to explain to me that I was seeing the fruit of His mercy and grace in my mother's life; she is incredibly precious to Him simply because she belongs to Him:
This was God’s love in action; the sacrificial love that allowed Jesus to die so that my mother could live the life of a beloved child of God. When I began to comprehend God’s grace toward Mom, I was helped toward greater trust in His grace and provision for me. From My Mom Has Alzheimer's: Inspiration and Help for Caregivers p.238As human beings living in a fallen world we become so easily convinced that there should be a limit placed on the resources and sacrifice expended for the sake of one human life. But in the economy of God's Kingdom, there are no limits; His love is beyond reason. He has withheld nothing from us, not even His only Son. I've been reminded once again that we are precious in His sight.
Scripture: This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers" (1 John 3:16).