If you are prayerfully led to take care of someone whose suffering can be alleviated by your service, be cautious about how to proceed as you face criticism and complaints from those who fear there will not be enough of you to go around. It is difficult to face down naysayers, but God is our help, and we must realize that if we turn away from a Holy Spirit fueled desire to provide care for someone we love, heartache will result.
The Biblical book of Esther tells of a young woman who was called to serve her people in a difficult way. When she attained the position as queen according to God's plan to deliver His people, she balked at the danger fulfilling this call would bring to her. Her kinsman, Mordecai, was strict with her: "For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" When God has placed a call on our lives to minister to those who are suffering, there will be fears to face and answers to provide to those who don't understand.
Yes, we need to take care of ourselves, we need to be prudent, and we should take into account the needs of other people who depend upon us. But we must not allow fears, our own or those of those who love us, to derail us from service that God has called us to fulfill. Our Lord is able to meet the needs of our loved ones either through us or in some other way. What is important is that we pray through to peace about every decision we make that impacts the lives of those who are no longer able to speak for themselves.
These posts may help you if you are in the process of making caregiving decisions for a loved one:
Caregiving Decisions: Pray Through to Peace
Making Decisions for Dementia Patients: A Christian Perspective
Right Where I'm Supposed to Be