Thursday, November 5, 2020

Sunrise the Day After the Election


I smiled to see a red, white, and blue sunrise yesterday morning, the day after our country's presidential election.  I felt the Lord's reassurance that He has not withdrawn His protective love from the United States of America, that by His grace, He will continue to hear our prayers.  I am so grateful to the Lord for His love, grace, and mercy.  Let's pray together for healing of the divisions among us, thanking God for His continued guidance and love.  

A friend recently sent me an encouraging letter that ended with a message that blessed my heart.  I record those words here because I want to save them, but also because they resonate today; God has not abandoned us:  

"Be blessed my friend. You’ve been used by God, are still being used by Him, and God is still on the throne."

The Lord has not removed His presence from us. God is with us.   


  1. oh how is a comfort to receive a word from The Lord.

  2. Still feel the peace as you did on that post election day. Isnt God wonderful that He sends messages to us, sometimes in the most unusual but simple signs?

  3. Still feel the peace as you did on that post election day. Isnt God wonderful that He sends messages to us, sometimes in the most unusual but simple signs?
