Saturday, July 16, 2022

We Can Be Brave


These memes I am sharing daily feature the same background design because I am working to create a desk calendar. The Lord put this on my heart a couple of years ago, but I couldn't find a publisher for this kind of project and gave up the idea. However, I did do some preparatory work; as I read through 100 Days, I created a file entitled, "one-liners for desk calendar," and recorded short excerpts from each day's reading.  

This year I purposed to complete the templates for a spiral bound flip calendar, on the premise that one has to build tracks before a train can come through. I still haven't found a place to publish the calendar! 

My daughter and I have committed to reading and re-reading 100 Days to Freedom, our unspoken agreement being that we will read and re-read until we have internalized the truths God has provided us in its pages and see fulfillment of some very specific promises He has provided.  

Along the way, I pray that these daily thoughts are used by the Lord to bless others.  

Father, I commit these daily "one-liners" to You, and pray they do the work for which they were sent. Please bless and direct every person who reads them. Thank You for Your presence with us and for Your guiding love, amen.  

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